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Year/SeasonLeagueDivision RSPS TN
2015 Fall
Harrisonburg Flag Football Association
2015 Fall Season5-30-1-

  Sep 13, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  13:00 PM@ KryptoknightsW27-13Oreg season(0) 
  Sep 20, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  12:05 AM Staunton CrossfitL12-20Oreg season(0) 
  Oct 11, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  13:00 PM MojoW19-6Oreg season(0) 
  Oct 18, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  12:05 AM@ Wild `N OutW18-6Oreg season(0) 
  Oct 25, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  12:05 AM The OutlandersW14-7Oreg season(0) 
  Nov 01, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  13:00 PM@ NightshiftL20-26Oreg season(0) 
  Nov 08, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  11:00 AM 2GL19-33Oreg season(0) 
  Nov 08, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  12:05 AM@ Triple ThreatW19-14Oreg season(0) 
  Nov 15, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  09:00 AM NightshiftL19-20Opostseason(0) 

2015 Spring
Harrisonburg Flag Football Association

  Mar 22, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  13:00 PM@ AdrenalineW12-7Oreg season(0) 
  Mar 29, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  13:00 PM@ The OutlandersW21-7Oreg season(0) 
  Apr 12, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  12:00 AM Triple ThreatL0-26Oreg season(0) 
  Apr 19, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  13:00 PM@ G.S.O.E.W23-20Oreg season(0) 
  May 03, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  2:00 PM Titan SuppressionW6-0 ForfOreg season(0) 
  May 10, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  13:00 PM Wild `N OutW26-25Oreg season(0) 
  May 17, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  12:00 AM@ MojoL13-16Oreg season(0) 
  May 24, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  12:00 AM Ground ZeroL7-21Oreg season(0) 
  May 31, 2015Pleasant Valley Elem School  13:00 PM Ground ZeroL7-28Opostseason(0)