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“Ability is what you`re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”
― Lou Holtz

no team photo
or logo assigned

The Playboy Bunnies have become The Mob.
New name same great talent,

 Top Rivals
 opponentspanrec vs streak 
 T.F.T.T2014-2014 (1-1) L 1 
 Lazy Sundae2014-2014 (0-1) L 1 
 Renegades2014-2014 (0-1) L 1 
 United2014-2014 (0-1) L 1 
 Huskies2014-2014 (0-1) L 1 
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 Recent Seasons
 2014 Fall: Fairfax County Flag Football League(1-6) 

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