Fairfax County Flag Football League


 subject: "League Status"

Mar 11, 2016
12:10 PM

Any league updates? Seems like there is not enough teams to fill a league for spring weekdays. Is it safe to assume the same for Sunday mornings?

asst commissioner

Mar 11, 2016
4:52 PM
I`m still hoping we have a league. I`m looking at options right now, might mean having to find a compromise but I`m trying.

grey beard

Mar 21, 2016
11:09 AM
really upsetting what has happened to this league. I do understand that the lack of teams causes a lack of funds but I do believe it is snowballing. Can we get back to open use of the message boards. Let the internes gansta`s back. Sometimes it`s stupid ish, but at least it gets interest. Let`s keep the website current. What happened to final 4 pictures? Championship teams used to get medallions for all members...now 1 person gets a trophy. At the very least film the championship game(s) and offer copy`s to the team at a price. Teams will come back, but she`s humming.

asst commissioner

Mar 21, 2016
8:36 PM
Appreciate the feedback. I`ve got no issues with any of that. I need to do better with pictures. To be honest, most of this comes down to me struggling to find time to keep up but I`m resolving to do better and pull in more help going forward.

Free willy

Mar 22, 2016
10:30 PM
May be a little too late, to be completely honest. Many of the veteran teams of the `glory days` have either retired, folded or changed to a different league. This league has been neglected for the last 3 years, slowly going downhill. It`s really a shame. Not blaming Josh or Tom, but there has been very little communication, and as stated by `grey beard,` shutting the message board made people lose interest. Best of luck, like many others, I have great memories of the IFFL.

asst commissioner

Mar 22, 2016
10:48 PM
I don`t disagree the communication has been bad. I`m changing that though. I`m going to focus on the teams who are still with us and making sure we`re responsive from here on out.

asst commissioner

Mar 23, 2016
11:22 AM
Oh, and I did open the messageboards back up. Feel free to post/bash away :)

Helltown Rosebuds #83
Helltown Rosebuds

Mar 23, 2016
5:33 PM
many of us volunteered last fall (and prior) to help. I am sure the offer still stands. why don`t you go to the FAX site and see who jumped and offer them a "discount" or something to come back. some money and another team or two each season is better than losing them for good.

Some of the other teams may know someone in FAX or another league, offer something to bring teams back. Let`s get creative, this used to be so much fun, we have so much talent in this league, I know we can get that back.

Josh Allen

asst commissioner

Mar 24, 2016
2:55 PM
Thanks Josh. I know the offer is there and I want/plan to take advantage of it. I think the first thing I need to do is sit down and figure out what items I can use the most help with.

I have no problem offering discounts, but I`ll tell you one thing that has made continuing to run the league difficult is non-payment. From just last Fall we have over $2500 in non-payments. It will probably force me into requiring full payment up front for the league in future seasons.

Helltown Rosebuds #83
Helltown Rosebuds

Mar 26, 2016
4:34 PM
Understood. Great email you sent today Josh.


Mar 24, 2016
2:53 PM
If this league is going to come back number one goal needs to be building competitive divisions. No one cares how good your best teams are if it kills the morale of the rest of your division. It hurts the league when teams know they have no chance. It hurts the league when teams dont want to stick around because they know the game after them is going to be a blowout.

How many teams have we all seen start out in the lower levels, slowly work their way up to mid, then be rushed into making that next step into A, get their doors blown off, and then disappear never to be seen again? Those teams should be the lifeblood of a league like this.


Mar 24, 2016
4:57 PM
Does anyone know what happened to the Warriors record vs. stallions it doesn`t show but they won

asst commissioner

Mar 24, 2016
9:22 PM


Mar 26, 2016
10:13 AM
it was a good run for this league #RIP

re: YO

Mar 26, 2016
7:08 PM
I agree...I`m an old vet who hasn`t played in 3+ years. I jumped on the MB only because I received a email blast that the league was falling apart. I wanted to see what was up, so here I am. Here is the bottom line and this will definitely her someone`s feelings but its a FACT...Josh my friend, you gotta go, running a league that requires a personality, commitment and TIME isn`t for you. The reason I left (and team) is because you always had an excuse (that revolved around time) of why XYZ wasn`t done and that you would do a better job. Well fast forward 3 years and you basically are saying the same thing. Here is a pointer for you...I can remember when Tom would email, call, txt the captains of teams and say, "are you playing this season, we could really use your squad" or "I don`t see you registered for states yet, is your squad in? the 703 needs you in states"...he would make it personal, he was able to do that because it was easy for him (Tom), what you don`t realize is that you don`t have the personality, sorry if that hurts, but its true. I`m not saying you need to leave all together, but you definitely can`t be the face of the league, its not in your "wheelhouse" you are not "personable" enough...sorry dude...and Josh, we go way back, I remember you from the Baron Cameron Park days...stay behind the scenes and let someone else be the face...give it 2 years (6 seasons) and the league will be good again.


Mar 29, 2016
8:49 PM
I Definitely agree with everything else that is said above. I also think as someone with a team and trying to run a league is something impossible to do. You need to focus on what is important to make this league run on all cylinders.


Mar 28, 2016
2:31 PM
I have played in this league for many years. It has been a slow decline. Once Tom seemed to move out of the picture, Josh initially tried to step into his role....and I think most can agree that things haven`t worked out very well. However, I don`t think you can say "Josh doesn`t have the personality." I think Josh just need to commit to bringing the league back up to speed, and NEEDS help. It`s not an easy side job, and is time consuming. With that said, it will take a few years, if ever, to restock the lost teams and talent if this league is to remain a viable league. It once was the best around, with the top talent who could compete at the state and nationals level. It would be great to see it get back there.

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