Fairfax County Flag Football League


 subject: "FFX League"
Helltown Rosebuds #83
Helltown Rosebuds

Sep 10, 2015
1:03 PM

What has happened to the league? We used to have two to three solid divisions for the weeknights and now we have only about six teams total. I wanted to sign up but didn`t want a repeat of this past spring. I realize if I sign up we will have one more team so please you don`t need to state the obvious. My question is, are other teams doing the same and can we get some additional teams to sign up.

Josh Allen


Sep 10, 2015
1:24 PM
Two reasons why teams are moving over to FFX.
1)People now days are soft! They can`t handle the competitions in this league. They get their asses whipped in the first season and running to their mamas crying and whining that it`s too hard. We can`t beat these guys. Instead of taking the challenge head on they quit and go to a weaker league.
2)lack of communication from this league. I`m referring to Tom and Josh, what happened to you guys. You guys were on it and now it seem like you don`t even care anymore. If you can`t handle it anymore then either hand it over to someone that is capable or close the league down because this lack of communication is ridiculous.

asst commissioner

Sep 11, 2015
12:26 PM
Agreed. I mentioned this in another post but I`m really struggling to keep up lately. So, I`ve started putting together a Board of Directors. Really this is a group of guys who love the league and want to help out to keep it going. Doing that will let me farm out a lot of the communications and things that I`m struggling to keep up with. As most people know, Tom moved out of state and is dealing with the same struggles. I`m really hoping this will help us going forward. Anyone else who wants to help out, please don`t hesitate to reach out.

Helltown Rosebuds #83
Helltown Rosebuds

Sep 12, 2015
1:32 PM
I know Tom has my phone number and my email address in on file. If you want help please reach out sooner rather than later so we can get a schedule out. I am going to go ahead and register Helltown.

Kick in a Box

Sep 24, 2015
3:43 PM
Josh, the coed league hasn`t heard anything from Tom. Is there any way you can reach out to him so we can get an update. Also, one of my teammates I think tried reaching out to him to help with logistics and running the league and she has some good ideas so maybe she can help pitch in and keep the league alive.


Helltown Rosebuds #83
Helltown Rosebuds

Sep 11, 2015
6:31 PM
Tom mentioned this to me a few years back and wondered what happened, it was a great idea. I told him I would help any way I can. We need to build this back up, at 63 I only have about 10 good years left hahahha :)

Josh Allen

The Villains

Sep 12, 2015
12:21 PM

I`m definitely down to help and help better the league. You have my contact info, so let me know if I can help in anyway.

asst commissioner

Sep 12, 2015
3:08 PM
Thanks fellas, I appreciate it. I`m working to start pulling together things that can be farmed out to keep us moving and communicating at a good pace to keep everyone happy.

Rice Farmer

Sep 12, 2015
7:37 PM
I`m definitely willing to help out too. I`ll be away for training jan-mar. Tom and Josh you already have my contact info

Kick in a Box

Sep 16, 2015
8:34 PM
I`m happy to help out with trying to keep the coed league going. My team really enjoys it and when we first joined, it was much more active so we want to keep things going. We`d rather not go to the other league with bs rules, etc.

Helltown Rosebuds #83
Helltown Rosebuds

Sep 19, 2015
2:47 PM
Josh, assistant Commish,
We need a schedule for this coming week so I can let me guys know what evening to take off.

What can I do to help you?

Josh Allen
HT Coach

Helltown Rosebuds #83
Helltown Rosebuds

Sep 21, 2015
7:39 PM
Josh, assistant Commish,
Last Wednesday at Centreville the 8:00 game didn`t start until 9:00 and, of course, the 9:00 game didn`t start until 10:00 because there were high school games. Is this going to happen again this week? What happened last week, didn`t the county give you a permit?

Josh Allen

asst commissioner

Sep 23, 2015
10:02 PM
Yes, we have the permit. Unfortunately the school always gets priority and they don`t always communicate that back to the permit holder. We run into this usually once every Fall and it usually works out.

Rice Farmer

Sep 22, 2015
5:35 PM
We played an 8pm game the CVille HS, it was on the side field. There were no issues.

This maybe an A`hole move, but usually at 8pm, my team moves on to the field. Also i think schools lost this summer for having activities going past 8pm.


Sep 23, 2015
3:36 PM
Is it too late to register a B-League team?

Rice Farmer

Sep 23, 2015
8:54 PM
ill send an email to the commish for ya`ll.


Sep 24, 2015
1:50 PM
Appreciate it. Josh emailed me back. Looks like we`ll be playing this season.

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