Fairfax County Flag Football League


 subject: "What Is Happening With The STATS for ALL THE TEAMS?"

Oct 31, 2014
5:27 AM

I have been watching the STATS for the Day and Night leagues. (Seeing Nights are updated more than Days!)

What is Happening since we are paying for supposedly getting Team and Player STATS and only seeing a few entries a week are being posted!

Would like to know what is going to happen along with fields not getting lined properly as well?

Majority of the league

Oct 31, 2014
8:44 AM
It`s pretty clear that the stats concept and execution isn`t working well. The commish (Tom) posted on another reply that he wanted to limit the message board even further....my guess is because he and Josh are tired of people complaining about the league. Basic compliants, for something teams have PAID FOR. Also, within the registration, it states teams will play on turf fields. That is certainly not the case for all the Sunday morning teams.

The grass fields are a borderline joke at this point. VERY poorly lined...but just like most other posts, my guess is if you get a reply, it won`t be for several days.

There are a lot of players who hope this league can turn things around, but it takes a bit more communication from the guys that run the league. Until the commit more time, I wouldn`t expect any changes.


Oct 31, 2014
10:25 AM
Tom and Josh are at the mercy of the county on what fields we can play on so quite crying about the grass field. The stats have been pretty accurate for the past several seasons. Just seems like a lack of attendance from the stat keepers. maybe the guys got a new job and work nights, or had a baby and cant come out all the time who knows. Go look at the replies tom and josh have given. they are given when people have real questions and ask them like an adult. they have not been replying to grow men acting like a bunch of children.


Oct 31, 2014
10:32 AM
I don`t blame Tom for thinking about removing the msg board because of the little girls that want to keep crying over the small sh*t. but it is very unfortunate it that would happen because I have used the board to join teams which I wouldn`t have been able to do with out the board. like every good thing theirs always a few to ruin it for the rest of us.

origanal question

Oct 31, 2014
10:34 AM
wasn`t talking to you.

Majority of the league

Oct 31, 2014
11:03 AM
I understnad that "Tom and Josh are at the mercy of the county." However, the Registration page should not be presented that "Games will be played on turf fields" if turf fields are not what teams are playing on. Also, it should not state "Individual stats will be posted for all leagues," or be presented in emails from Josh that stats will be kept for teams/players. If you took the time to look at the game stats page, you would see that more than half the game don`t have stats posted. When teams in the league are PAYING for a service (and it`s presented as a feature other leagues don`t offer), then the IFFL should follow through. The bottom line, they haven`t followed through on stats or the fields. You can call people names all you want, but the Sunday morning league is fading. The number of teams registering each year has decreased in 5 of the last 6 fall seasons, with 2014 (20 teams) an all time low. All this, while the `other` leauge continues to grow in size.


Oct 31, 2014
12:04 PM
I was only responding to your concerns that maybe there may be more to it then what meets the eye because things haven`t been like this with the stats and fields previously. the cry baby comments weren`t directed to you. it was for to the Dear Comish thread but that thread isn`t allowing new responses. you stated your concerns properly. sorry should have done better at clarifying. my bad


Oct 31, 2014
3:37 PM
When you advertise something and someone pays for the service and you dont deliver then you better expect complaints. This league hasnt delivered on what is advertised and the complaints will continue until there is better communication. Its a fairly simple concept. Ignoring the issues wont make them go away.

asst commissioner

Oct 31, 2014
3:59 PM
The stats are being kept, not exactly sure why they haven`t been updated. I`ll look into it.

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