Fairfax County Flag Football League


 subject: "Tornado Watch"

Jun 11, 2014
4:11 PM

Are games still on for tonight? I see Fairfax is under a Tornado watch until 9pm.


league commissioner

Jun 11, 2014
4:30 PM
I`ll make a call on games tonight at 7:00. Since no games start until 8:30, and we have a little leeway to delay games...no need to panic and assume the worst this far out. Could be we wind up playing AFTER the storms have passed through. I`ll update around 7:00 PM.


league commissioner

Jun 11, 2014
7:03 PM
We`re going ahead with games tonight. NOTE: officials, at their discretion, can either (1) suspend play for 15 minutes, or (2) cancel play.


Good Call

Jun 11, 2014
7:24 PM
Your the man Tom


Jun 11, 2014
4:51 PM
Not going to be too serious TOM, we`re ready to play!


Jun 11, 2014
4:55 PM
Glad we are not run by FFX county schools. They would have canx the games yesterday because of the threat. Thanks Tom


Jun 11, 2014
5:14 PM
tom just push the games back to 9 to be safe. plus my team is the 9"30 game and i dont get off until 9 so it will give me time to get there


Jun 11, 2014
5:27 PM
what is thisscarp. games on and u prob dont even play much so they dont need u

@ Weather man

Jun 11, 2014
6:11 PM
Nothing tops last weeks game between Collision & TC; now that was bad & they still played thru it...I understand the sevirity of a tornado but if it`s just heavy winds and nothing else major or dangerous, then the game should be played


Jun 11, 2014
9:25 PM


Jun 11, 2014
10:29 PM
This is trash tc and collision had to play and u give TMT and 7pt a pass till tomorrow bs league bunch a girls lighting came late bt they get a pass


Jun 11, 2014
10:50 PM
yea you`re right, what could go wrong? I don`t think those tall metal poles all around the field would ever attract lightning. "You got struck by lightning...oh, you`re just a bunch of girls."


Jun 11, 2014
11:20 PM
Weather Conditions were waayy worse last week than tonight; I agree about the lightning though but that passed by 9 pm so shouldn`t have been any reason this game wasn`t played tonight

Excuses are like @$$holes, everyone has one



Jun 11, 2014
10:32 PM
How many times we gunna postpone this game TMT-7pt


Jun 11, 2014
10:40 PM
Now it`s even harder on TMT and 7 PT because who ever wins that game has to play TC right after... WHO GETS THE PASS THERE!?!?

Not really...

Jun 11, 2014
11:17 PM
The the winner of TMT/7pt actually has the upper hand b/c their bodies are loose and ready to go whereas TC has to warm up and get going.

But to each is own...it`s a championship game so both teams will be ready no doubt


Jun 12, 2014
7:54 AM
The only thing loose is my balls giggling around in your mouth, homie.

@ ^^^^^

Jun 12, 2014
8:18 AM
Only loose balls are the ones ********s like to play with HERB LMAO


Jun 12, 2014
8:35 AM
it was toms decision both teams were there and the lightning was pretty bad last night


Jun 12, 2014
12:22 PM
Did someone say playing with balls?

Big T
Triple Crown
asst coach

Jun 12, 2014
4:16 PM
The 7pt vs TMT game is going to be boss! We played in this ish last week, and it is difficult. I see the rain coming down heavy until about 9:00pm when clear skies roll in for the `ship.

See you boys in a bit. Good luck!


Jun 12, 2014
5:37 PM
^^^Who u got winning?

Big T
Triple Crown
asst coach

Jun 12, 2014
6:04 PM
Both of these teams are strong for different reasons. For TMT, it begins with Zach and his ability to move the pocket and hit guys in space. 7Pt has strength in the secondary and their offense can put up numbers on any team when they are at full strength.

I won`t venture a guess as to which team wins, but I will be there watching in the rain. Maybe we can have a "triple threat" match for the `Ship? What`s that? Tom says, "no"? I guess we will just have to see what happens.

Time to play!!!

Jun 12, 2014
7:56 PM
Cloudy skies but no rain or thunder! Time to get it fellas

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