Fairfax County Flag Football League


 subject: "06/05 : TMT A semifinal vs 7 PT Spread ppd to next week"

Jun 03, 2014
4:17 AM

06/05 : TMT wins A semifinal vs 7 PT Spread 21-0

TMT improves to 2-0 in the postseason, while 7 PT Spread exits at 1-1.

This is the fewest points scored in a game this season by TMT, and the second time TMT shutout an opponent this season. The victory continues a 8 game winning streak for TMT which now stands at 9 wins in a row.

This is the fewest points scored in a game this season by 7 PT Spread, and the first time 7 PT Spread failed to score against an opponent this season. The loss ends a 3 game winning streak for 7 PT Spread.

These teams have now squared off against each other 4 times. TMT has won all 4 matchups. Their prior meeting was a Fairfax County Flag Football League "A" regular season game Apr 23 2014, 21:00, which TMT won 23-14. Overall, TMT is 4-0 against 7 PT Spread.


league commissioner

Jun 03, 2014
4:23 AM
This is actually a forfeit win for TMT - 7pt Spread can`t field a team this THU. TMT is the higher seed, so it is their option (not 7pt) to resched or take F win.

Wow Tom

Jun 03, 2014
6:47 AM
But wouldn`t you like to see two of the best teams in your league & the entire state of VA battle it for a right at a title shot? This is kinda painful to hear knowing how the Quality of our league is always bring brought into question; this is one of the main reasons why. Schedule it as a doubleheader for Wednesday or something; this just looks bad and gives a bad impression of our league IMO

I agree

Jun 03, 2014
7:24 AM
but it`s really up to TMT.


Jun 03, 2014
6:52 AM
Is whack for not trying to reschedule. Never seen a team on any flag league not reschedule unless they are straight up scared to play. Good luck ladies.


Jun 03, 2014
7:30 AM
I`m hoping they man up and play. I think they are probably worried about playing against 7pt in a pressure situation. But most teams have to go through 7pt to win the league up here. It`s like a proving ground.


Jun 03, 2014
7:00 AM
are there other options to play?

2 options

Jun 03, 2014
7:43 AM
And the ladies took the latter. Obviously they do not want to play 7pt which is a shame.


Jun 03, 2014
7:44 AM
The schedule has been posted for over a week. 7pt has. Known about this. What kind of pu55ies forfeit smh

sounds like...

Jun 03, 2014
7:46 AM
7pt will play...tmt won`t.


Jun 03, 2014
7:56 AM
wow, what says TMT...pretty muchscarp to not reschedule

Yo Thomas!

Jun 03, 2014
8:02 AM
There has to be more to this story. I understand, there may be a night or a reason a team can`t play. Out of respect for that team informing the league they can`t field a team, I have NEVER heard of their opponent refusing to reschedule, and taking the forfiet win. What`s the scoop here? TMT bitter about the Sunday morning league bs?


Jun 03, 2014
8:06 AM
come on TMT...let us know what the deal is, bc on the surface this seems weak

#27 TMT

Jun 03, 2014
8:07 AM
Everyone saying TMT is scared to play 7pt is a complete idiot. We beat em once and there is no reason we won`t do it again, schedules conflict for y`all this week and us next week so obviously will take the F win. You all saw the schedule and knew who you were playing if you beat whoop diddy! Don`t get it twisted, and don`t make stuff up because you know who we are!


Jun 03, 2014
8:08 AM
just seems like they are scared of 7pt.
they did dodge gameface but at least that was the luck of the draw.

tmt player

Jun 03, 2014
8:16 AM
TMT is 3-0 against 7 pt, trust me no one is afraid to play them. 7 pt knew the game was thursday and we are all grown men who schedule our week out in advance. Im sure 7 pt could`ve put a team together, they just dont want to play because maybe one or two role players wont be there.. Stop with the excuses!

7 PT Spread

Jun 03, 2014
8:17 AM
27 you obviously have 0 facts about why this happened. Has nothing to do with anybody being scared of anybody moreso there was 1 day we couldn`t play.... And after going from the possible double header last night to the following Monday after y`all beat project x Roberto switched up again and decided to pick Thursday... The one day we can`t play.... So basically the game has switched twice already although Tom didnt posted until after the project x game.... Lots of respect loss, no sleep though. Good luck fellas..


Jun 03, 2014
8:20 AM
Cody, i find it crazy that you can`t field a team this Thursday? You are saying you can`t get 8 men out there to play? Are you missing that many players?


Jun 03, 2014
8:23 AM
#27 sounds like a bum...too bad for Cody

7 PT Spread

Jun 03, 2014
8:23 AM
1 or 2 players won`t be there lol... You can`t pass that one on this league.... We`ve never EVER tried to reschedule a game revolved around any single player or players... Anybody in this league can attest that we show up with whoever we got... We don`t plan around the schedule given not yet to get Tom to adjust it... Hence why half my players last night was under the assumption we had a double header.... Because that`s what I told them, because that`s what was told to me.... And I didn`t resend an email after all the ****ery..... Now if you really want to set fire to this thread I`ll screen shot you `why` your captain said y`all couldn`t play last night... Cuz us and whoopdiddy were ok with double header......

re cody

Jun 03, 2014
9:13 AM
Post it. Let`s all see what excuse kicker boy has.


Jun 03, 2014
8:49 AM
If I`m the bum why don`t you man up and let me know who you are so you can say it to my face?


Jun 03, 2014
8:58 AM
show the screen shot...that might keep 27 quiet


Jun 03, 2014
8:59 AM
Starting to sound a bit more like 7pt wanted to try and get this game in, one way or another (other than the ONE night they couldn`t play), and TMT punked out.


Jun 03, 2014
9:07 AM
Yes show the screen shot

Fact is...

Jun 03, 2014
9:12 AM
TMT didn`t want to "give in" to Cody & 7 pts demands...they felt as Cody was tryna "pull weight" with the league and have his say override TMT.

Honestly, the best and most reasonable solution, moving forward after this season, is to COLLECTIVELY agree on a night & time that works FOR BOTH TEAMS!!! TMT gets a cake walk to the title is BS & would never go down in any other league BUT...to each is own...

I feel like there`s more to this while situation than what`s being said & told to everyone, similar to TMT situation from Sunday against SC


Jun 03, 2014
9:12 AM
Here is what is crazy the schedulde was up for a week so everyone knew the date. 7pt you just said you "never EVER tried to reschedule ever" so my question is why now? Last week when the schedule was posted did you try and tell Tom then? There has to be somehting more to this. I think it would of been a good game. Just would like to know more.


Jun 03, 2014
9:15 AM
Seems like there could have been some solution here. It is BS a team gets to the finals without playing for it. That`s why, in my mind, TMT will always have an asterisk next to their name for this season.

TMT Headquarters

Jun 03, 2014
9:16 AM
We B*tched up. No other way around it.

TMT ladies

Jun 03, 2014
9:17 AM
If ya scared just say ya scared. The facts all point to TMT dodging the game. As I said I never ever ever have seen in my life of flag which is irrelevant some team take the F. Guess you can`t stop bi*chassness.

7 PT Spread

Jun 03, 2014
9:21 AM
Looks like TMT guys are posting without signing in (27 I know you are identifying yourself)

Looks like TMT is politicing. While the final post says Thursday everyone knows the captains are contacted directly by Tom.

You guys didnt want to play Monday because you needed to "rest up" it`s flag football. Game should have been played last night


Jun 03, 2014
9:22 AM
The bottom line is this; if you want to control the schedule you must finish as the top seed, it`s always been that way. Regular season games do matter, don`t hate TMT or 7pt for that matter. FWIW, this season there was a request to move a scheduled game with 7pt, it needed 4 teams to concur on the change, 3 of the 4 agreed to the change however the 4th team didn`t, guess who that was? Karma is a bi@tch


Jun 03, 2014
9:24 AM
damn...they needed to rest up for a flag game...hahahahahahaha

TMNT headquarters

Jun 03, 2014
9:26 AM
Master splinter sorry for dishonoring you! We are bi*chassness.


Jun 03, 2014
9:36 AM
You are all grown men, if you "can`t" play on certain nights that`s on YOU not the other team. You fellas make it sound like TMT did something wrong. The bottom line is; if you want to control the schedule be the higher seed, don`t blame the higher seed because they won`t do you a favor. Scheduling is already a nightmare with all you premadonnas, I can`t play this night that night.

re ^

Jun 03, 2014
10:14 AM
But don`t you want to play? Isn`t that what you`re paying for?


Jun 03, 2014
9:26 AM
seriously play the game. otherwise even if you win the ship no one will give you respect


Jun 03, 2014
9:34 AM
win the right way tmt. Don`t do it this way. I`m pulling for ya`ll but this is just disappointing.

Dat dude

Jun 03, 2014
9:38 AM
Well said Dumbells. This game should be played.

I think almost everyone would agree, there has never been a semi-final A league game won by forfeit.

It`s pathetic.

u mad bro?

Jun 03, 2014
9:40 AM
I gave TMT mad props for winning nationals etc but wow thats a weak move. Its just flag fellas we pay to play. You earn respect when you play at a high level. Not wanting to play for rest or other BS is putting y`all at ladyboy level. All that work y`all put in to be somebody don`t mean ish now. Yall officially garbage.


Jun 03, 2014
9:46 AM
I agree this game should be played, 7pt bring your team to the field as scheduled, stop be pu55ies about its "bad" night!

in another view

Jun 03, 2014
9:47 AM
LOL it`s funny how everyone is nagging on TMT ( or maybe just one or two 7pt players talking back and forth to themselves) But TMT is not the one forfeiting, 7 pt is.. All I have to say is above posts were right, the schedule for playoffs for this week were posted over a week ago, so 7 pt knew it was Thursday.Yeah it`s some bs that TMT won`t reschedule it, but 7 pt should play regardless of who they have showing up. Kind of like the Novacaine game last season, they didnt forfeit, they still showed up..

7 PT Spread

Jun 03, 2014
9:49 AM
So just so I`m clear, we should pick up random guys that didn`t play all season to play a playoff game? Seems legit


Jun 03, 2014
9:52 AM
Haha no Groovie just bring enough players from your 22 person roster

ESPN breaking news

Jun 03, 2014
9:50 AM
This just in, this game WILL be played, an update will be sent out later, please stand bye!


Jun 03, 2014
9:52 AM

Hey Grove/Cody...

Jun 03, 2014
9:53 AM
Just asking, but why can`t a team of 8 be fielded for Thursday?

I thought you guys had 18 or so on the roster.

7 PT Spread

Jun 03, 2014
9:54 AM
Kamal... log in and tell me if I have said anythign that is a lie? I just showed you where i was coming from.

For all the closest that keep living behind the, schedule was posted a week in advance, shut it. 1) no it wasn`t it was posted friday moring after the proj x/tmt game. 2) there we 2 other potential game times that were dismissed for reason`s i`ll let any TMT guy explain. 3) Option 3 was a no-go for us. I told Tom it doesn`t matter to me, if that is the only night they can play on, give them the win.

Patrick, you know me, we`ve talked about stuff like this before and you know good and well i would never not ask to reschedule based on 1 or 2 players key or not. While the game may be important on the surface, it`s flag football, not life. We do this as a hobby.

Now i`ve name 3 people in this message, any one of them can log in and feel free to tell me if what i said is not the truth.

1. Kamal 2.Patrick 3.Tom

Like i said, I could put end to all this speculation an post screen shots but it`s not that important. Kamaal has them so he knows the deal.


Jun 03, 2014
10:03 AM
Cody you may not realize this but you are trying to control the schedule. Your points may be facts however you are NOT in the driver`s seat. You say you have discussed this multiple times which leads me to believe you are being stubborn to make your point. We ALL know you have 20+ on your roster, bring half the team and you will be fine. Stop trying to CONTROL something that is outside your lane. For comical reasons why don`t you list your roster then share which specific players have a conflict. IMHO I think you are masking the "truth" of why!!!!!


Jun 03, 2014
9:54 AM

7 PT Spread

Jun 03, 2014
10:00 AM
All closets saying we can`t field a team. 1) yes if i needed to i can get 8 people to the field.

2)(and this is a bigger issues)... I`m sick and tired of every single week Tom contacting me about a team trying ot switch there games for xyz amoutn of reason. every single week it`s something different with team. you guys have started taking toms kindness and flexibility and started abusing it. I told tom in week 4 or so after gameface called us with the same ****, i`m not going it no more. We show up with 9 or 10 routinely and lose games becaue anybody on my team can attest i dont ask more than once to come to the game. We`re grown men, the game is going ot be between mon-thurs between 8-10, if you`re committed to playing on this team the game will fall in that range. that being said something similiar happened this time, it just so happen they want to play on a date that does NOT work for us, so it is what it is. I`m sure patick understand this...


Jun 03, 2014
10:03 AM
Geeez, Enough arguing. Not the best way to start anyones morning. Regardless of what we think and what they think it doesn`t matter because this game will happen, it`s not going down as a forfeit win. We want to play them very bad.

good ish

Jun 03, 2014
10:08 AM
A TMT player with some sense. Make it happen since it would be a great game. Best of luck fellas.


Jun 03, 2014
10:08 AM
Oh yeah this game should be played on Thursday or Cody`s passive agressive personality wins again. He mentions that teams take advantage of Tom but here he is doing EXACTLY that! He`s just too blind to see it


Jun 03, 2014
10:16 AM
Ya clown! Come on bro. Who you play for? You reek of bit*chassness. Nobody trying to pull weight here in this league. Regardless of days this game needs to happen it`s A league. Who cares who cool with the commish and what not. No team should ever not have to play a game to make it to the finals of A let alone any other division.


Jun 03, 2014
10:08 AM
what do the screenshots say #10?


Jun 03, 2014
10:14 AM
Getcha popcorn ready!

7 PT Spread

Jun 03, 2014
11:12 AM
how is this passive aggressive, i agreed that my team will LOSE this game and effectively end our season.

like i said, kamal has what was told to me. so if nobody else knows, where i`m coming from HE AND TOM do? I spoke to the other core captains on my team about it, they were ok with it and `WE` made the decision.

@ kamal

Jun 03, 2014
11:35 AM
How are you gonna make this game possible if Tom has already agreed to berto & Zach saying they`d take the win?

You gonna go back and ask Tom to change it now?


league commissioner

Jun 03, 2014
11:52 AM
Update: This game will be rescheduled for next week.


Jun 03, 2014
12:28 PM
Thomas the train to the rescue again!

Looks like

Jun 03, 2014
12:34 PM
TMT ain`t scared of nothin... Game on fellas


Jun 03, 2014
12:37 PM
Tom made an executive decision and forced them to play... Who knows but it`s good to see that a game will be played. Should be a good one

^^^not true^^^

Jun 03, 2014
12:43 PM
TMT did it b/c they knew they`d never hear the end of it of how they backed into the title game; they`d lose any and all credibility doing that...kamal stepped in and helped Tom do the right thing...


Jun 03, 2014
12:46 PM
You cried so much and got your way there you go. Man like you said your guys know what days you would play all season Monday - Thursday 8-10. If TMT does not show up next week you guy going to reschedule it lol lol. This is a JOKE.

re ^

Jun 03, 2014
12:53 PM
And does your team have the exact same guys, never more and never less, show up for every game? And I`m sure you know that the playoff schedule isn`t up early in the season.

Mister T

Jun 03, 2014
1:13 PM
I pity the fool. The joke is on you for lol`ing twice!.

Captain Wisdom

Jun 03, 2014
1:02 PM
Now TMT, don`t go throwing any flags this game. Oh, and by the way, cursing is a personal foul too.


Jun 03, 2014
1:40 PM
Or hitting officials with their own flags SMMFH

Is #1 for TMT banned from weeknights too??? (We need to know Tom!!!!!)

So many storylines...is Russ officiating this game too???

This is just as good as GAME OF THRONES (well not exactly) but a lot of juicy intrigue

@ Tom

Jun 03, 2014
1:42 PM
You gotta video tape this game!!!


Jun 03, 2014
2:06 PM
The rescheduling of the game was a decision made by TMT. If we wanted, this game could`ve easily been a forfeit on behalf of 7 point spread, but we did whatever we had to do to give the league and Cody what they wanted. The guy contradicts himself every time he accuses another team or player. With that being said, all this should be in the past now. LETS PLAY SOME FOOTBALL!


Jun 03, 2014
2:56 PM
what are you talking about? You already took the forfeit. I`m willing to bet if there weren`t so many comments about this on the board today, you`d still be taking the forfeit.

7 PT Spread

Jun 03, 2014
2:32 PM
you`re saying the obvious. the rescheduling of the game was ONLY tmt`s choice, we`d already decided/excepted our fate.

name 1 contradition tho.

actually i`ll give you a contradition, you`re a closet. I`ve been in contact with YOUR master, and YOUR qb and they all know/knew the deal. In fact, they both knew it last night. D@mn, they dont even let you in the loop huh.. oh and thanks for helping us out.


Jun 03, 2014
3:03 PM
No we wouldn`t be taking the forfeit. We just had to find a day that worked for our team, whats so wrong about that. We are ready to go through anyone standing in the way of our trophy.


Jun 03, 2014
3:23 PM
Honestly If I was TMT i wouldnt of changed the game to cater to 7 pt.. That`s BS.. But to each its own, more power to TMT


Jun 03, 2014
3:44 PM
so you would rather move on with a forfeit? Why not play a team that has a good chance of winning; if you beat them you move on and its justified

7pt QB

Jun 03, 2014
4:57 PM
ummmmm, I`m out on Monday...


Jun 03, 2014
5:08 PM
That`s all I have to say. Win or lose TMT you got my respect. You had an easy ride to the championship and you took the harder route. Thats some boss **** right there. I have no choice but to route for them now that my team is out. Good luck to everyone else left as well.


Jun 03, 2014
6:37 PM
Stop it!!! That ain`t respect! That`s some cornball ISH right there! U probably going for them b/c they beat ya sorry a$$e$ down, project X bum!!!

Respect is earned! Taking a forfeit W LOSES respect!

Make it simple and just be clear fam, TMT gets no love from me or anyone else who believes they chumped out and tried to take the easy W...


Jun 04, 2014
9:09 AM
clearly play for TMT and are trying to sway opinions/thoughts. Just stop it. You guys HAD to reschedule in order to save face with the whole league. It was a smart, political move.


Jun 03, 2014
5:14 PM
What was the harder route?

Real talk

Jun 03, 2014
6:23 PM
Roberto was worried TMT would be too tired from Sunday and Zack n Dj banged up so he went the bi!ch route(not root).

7pt gonna win by 7.

Listen Trolls

Jun 04, 2014
8:55 AM
TMT was the #1 seed so they have a choice to pick when the game works best for them. If 7 Point Spread wanted that option, they should`ve cared more about the regular season and finished at the top. If this rule doesn`t apply then what is the damn point of any team caring about the regular season play. You guys are making no sense and the reason for that being is because you aren`t in TMTs position right now. They by no means should have to work around 7 Points schedule when they are the #4 seed and TMT is the #1 seed. That makes absolute no sense. I`m assuming TMT joined the league to win and fought for the top spot so the playoffs worked around their schedule. It makes sense, all you have to do is really think about it. You guys say the league is becoming lame because of the playoff picture. EVERY TEAM knows that the top seed gets the preferred scheduling advantage. In all fairness this actually is the best way to go about the league because it makes the regular season play mean something. It seems like the game is being rescheduled so I don`t understand why everyone is bashing TMT. They joined the league to win, not lose.

@ Listen Trolls

Jun 04, 2014
9:33 AM
STFU & stay outta grown ppls business; you don`t even play on any of these teams & your tryna call ppl out?

STOP IT! Go sit down & drink your juice box son, you have no business here...

TMT abused this rule by saying they`d take a forfeit W to get to the ship; I respect KAMIAL`s choice to change their decision and actually play the game; that`s a true gutsy call to many but a true grown man move in my book.

This rule is going to get changed & when it does, true chumps like you can`t argue "BUT BUT BUT...we are the #1 seed" BS NO MORE


Jun 04, 2014
9:27 AM
Plus! You sound like your tryna defend TMT by calling us TROLLS, I agree with "^" b/c TMT isn`t dumb, when the season first started, Tom asked each captain what nights work best and which ones don`t; Sense Tom knew 7 pt couldn`t do Thursdays, why schedule them for that night, KNOWING THEY COULDNT ATTEND??? Forget the higher seed rule b/c it`s complete trash right now! This is about DUE DILLIGENCE and RESPECT FOR ALL WHO PLAY IN THE LEAGUE...convience is only beneficial IF ALL PARTIES BENEFIT FROM IT, NOT JUST ONE!!!

I understand why TMT is getting the blame and it technically doesn`t fall completely on them; Tom & the league created this rule & it`s come back to haunt them now.

Just wondering, if 7 pt beats TMT, will TMT dispute or protest the win? Just something to think about


Jun 04, 2014
10:08 AM
^^^ You sound dumb, how can you say 7 pt can`t play Thursdays and there last three regular season games have been on thursdays, you douche!!


Jun 04, 2014
10:39 AM
Do you guys understand that people have their own lives outside of football. Family, work, commitments, etc. The #1 seed picks day and time, bottom line. If being the top seed means nothing we might as well just have a damn tournament and not a season. 7 point has played their last 3 regular season games in Centreville on Thursdays. You guys are obviously on 7 point. You should be thankful that TMT is even considering rescheduling the game so you can field a BETTER team than you could this Thursday night because:


They just don`t want to get embarrassed with the team they put out there.

7 PT Spread

Jun 04, 2014
10:49 AM
@SMDH... who as ever said we had anythign against playing on Thursdays and in Centreviille. Sounds like somebody putting something in your head, that shouldn`t be there..

We said we couldn`t play THIS Thursday, adn that wouldn`t change if the game was in my back yard.

You`re making this too complicated. Regardless if we could field a team with 7, 8 or 30, we`re unavailble to play on THIS Thursday.

It`s Simple Cody

Jun 04, 2014
11:25 AM
I call it how I see it. You guys have had over a week, knowing the game was this Thursday so you should have planned around it.

Either you can`t make the game this Thursday or your QB can`t. Which one is it?

Because everyone knows you have the ability to field a team this Thursday. You just want things your way. Example, why were you the only first round A game this week. Because Monday night worked out best for your team.

Past Post Seasons

Jun 04, 2014
10:53 AM

TMT dont worry about these people voicing their opinion. It should mean nothing to you.


Jun 04, 2014
11:07 AM
^^^ you really believe that the #1 gets to just pick everything. Do they get to pick the refs toe? Do they get to pick what side of field they stand on?

Please Explain

Jun 04, 2014
11:18 AM
What is the point of having a regular season if the seeds going in to the post season mean nothing? That makes absolutely no sense. We might as well cancel the regular season play and have a tournament. Your argument is very stupid.

In college football the top seed means you play in the National Championship. In the NFL you get a bye and home field advantage. Even though this is flag football in Northern Virginia, regular season play and seeding should be very important.


lol wow ^^^^^

Jun 04, 2014
11:38 AM
That is a very good point.

7 PT Spread

Jun 04, 2014
11:39 AM
you sound so full of yourself. getting the #1 seed gets you a lot of things in this league.

1) you play the lowest seed which more than likely is a gimmie game
2) you`ve automatically earned your bid to states
3) in A league you get to pick first the open slot available to play in the 1st round.

you sound very stupid thinking that the #1 seed affords you every opportunity to pick and choose every single thing. Since you bring up the nfl and ncaa. college teams dont get to pick when/where they play. nfl teams get home field advantage and a bye, but they dont get to say, we want to play on saturday vs sunday. some things you get options on somethings should be set in stone are at the best interest of the league and all teams.

riddle me this, since TMT had a problem playing the following monday, what would they ahve done if tom made the championship for monday and they had beat US thursday? becaue if monday is a problem, it should STILL have been a problem right....... dont bother, i know you answer!!


Jun 04, 2014
12:04 PM
TMT is 3-0 against 7 point spread you d*ck riding clown, why would they be worried to lose. We want to play 7 Point just as much as they want to play us and Cody will even agree on that. We don`t need a free ride to the championship or a state bid, we plan on getting to the ship if this game happens or not and our state bid is automatic. Shut up and get your damn information correct. But your right TMT should play the day that works best for Cody and company. STFU u dumb idiots.

7 PT Spread

Jun 04, 2014
12:04 PM
lol i`m not saying that much. most of them are some cool dudes and i seriously doubt they are scared to play us, especially since we`ve never beat them. but i do think it`s probably somebody on there team posting upset with how things went down. they`ve probably been told things that aren`t true, like whoever keeps saying we`ve ever said anything about playing on thursday`s or in centreville.


Jun 04, 2014
1:12 PM
LMAO, why would we think something is unfair. It`s our choice to reschedule or take the W straight to the championship. We want to play 7 Point just as bad as they want to play us. Don`t get it twisted.

lol smfh

Jun 04, 2014
12:17 PM
Coming from someone who isn`t signed in.

Real Talk

Jun 04, 2014
12:35 PM
There are actually some cool dudes on TMT`s roster. But when your team is run by H-O-E-S, it makes the whole team a bunch of H-O-E-S! Sorry, guilty by association. It`s the way the world works.


Jun 04, 2014
1:23 PM
Sounds like someone is mad cause they couldn`t get a spot on the TMT roster. Come on bro, we all know TMT is the team to beat. Hate it or love it, it is what it is. Their coaches have done an exceptional job of building this team.

Good luck to everyone with their playoff run.


Jun 04, 2014
1:38 PM
Nah bro! Collision is the team to beat! Last I checked they own the LEAGUE TITLE & we remain there until they lose it! Throw out regular season #s...what happen last time these teams played WHEN IT MATTERED MOST???

No need to go any further...stop sleep on the REAL champs

TC #00 Big T

Jun 04, 2014
2:07 PM
Everyone has had the opportunity to voice their opinion, and that is a good thing. The thing is, the right thing happened. I fall on the side of "earn your way in", but Cody made it clear that they made their choice not to play. It`s their call.

Being on one of the remaining teams, I am glad that everyone made the right choice. That includes Tom, Cody and Kamal. We are all competitors, and the right thing happened, fellas. Let`s let it die already.

See you tonight, Collision.


Jun 04, 2014
5:31 PM
Well said big man, have fun against Mike tonight as he tears you a new a$$hole haha. I`m sure Issac is salavating at the mouth to blind side him to

Mike who?

Jun 04, 2014
6:27 PM
Da fuq is mike? He needs to be worried about TC & all that they bring to the table. If TC pulls this off, they`ll be saying too, who DA fuq is mike?

Triple Crown

Jun 05, 2014
10:44 AM
mike didn`t do much except not know how penalties work...

Triple Crown

Jun 05, 2014
12:20 PM

7 PT Spread

Jun 04, 2014
7:30 PM
@ its simple.... You`re either stupid or just enjoy being stupid... You said why was out game on Monday..... Umm we`re the 5th seed we didnt get to pick our 1st round game, so that`s a question for whoopdiddy.

But you`re just another closet screaming out non facts.


Jun 04, 2014
7:44 PM
Cody don`t even waste your time talking back man.. No point, this board is ridiculous. Wish Tom can make it where everyone has to sign in to speak..


Jun 04, 2014
10:31 PM
or you have to actually play to speak.

TC #00 Big T

Jun 05, 2014
0:01 AM
Repairing my torn bung hole. Heh heh heh. We are still bums!


visiting commissioner

Jun 05, 2014
0:28 AM
Boards can be setup to require logged in posting. It gets very quiet and boring when you go that route.

Hey Josh

Jun 05, 2014
1:04 AM
Can you make a rule that kickers can`t post. Seriously, no kickers.


Jun 05, 2014
10:19 AM
please no more talking from a kicker


Jun 05, 2014
2:39 AM
should stand for TOO MUCH TALKING

Just wondering

Jun 05, 2014
8:59 AM
Is TMT the new Spartans team? Lots of talk all year of how good they are and they are the team to beat.. Then fall Short


Jun 05, 2014
10:01 AM
agree tom...we would miss out on a lot of the trash if you reqiured a log in


Jun 05, 2014
11:12 AM
We won the Turkey Bowl and National Championship last year and just won another league this past weekend.

Can you please explain to me how we fall short?


Jun 05, 2014
11:16 AM
Oh and if you haven`t noticed or had a chance to look at the standings, we also went undefeated this season.


Jun 05, 2014
11:21 AM
Really? What does that letter "T" mean in the standings column "W-L-T"? There`s a 1 and I"m not sure what that means. Also the ".PCT" column doesn`t say "1.000" for you...so weird.

Well its true.

Jun 05, 2014
11:34 AM
Undefeated means they haven`t lost


Jun 05, 2014
11:52 AM
A tie doesn`t say you`ve won either


Jun 05, 2014
11:59 AM
Lol they said undefeated, not that they have won every game. STOP HATING SO MUCH! smh


Jun 05, 2014
12:05 PM
And you play for WHO again? Yea I`ll wait...

Trolls love this BS SMMFH


Jun 05, 2014
12:15 PM
Who I play for is completely irrelevant to the argument. The fact that you are a hating clown and bashing a team who is quite impressive makes no kind of sense. I just don`t get it.

And who are you? Who do you play for? It`s funny how u call people trolls and aren`t signed in. Disgrace to the league. Get out of here with your hating ass.

^^^soft @$$ mofo

Jun 05, 2014
12:27 PM
Lmao u lame chumps disgust me! Leave? Why? I`m better than your sorry @$$ so u leave!

Facts are facts! TMT is a good team, no doubt! But they are BLEMISHED! They`ve lost on Sundays btw if you didn`t know but I guess your trying not to throw that into the equation we well NOT TO MENTION the should`ve lost this past Sunday to StoneCold but again I doubt your bringing that into the equation too

I bet your weak excuse is,"but there a different team!" Dont want to hear it b/c if thy sign up as TMT, they are TMT and there`s no excuses, SO...WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY NOW???

HERB @$$ mofo SMMFH

asst coach

Jun 05, 2014
12:35 PM
It`s all about who is the last team standing when it is all said and done. Looks like Triple Crown is left on the other side. Now it`s up to us and 7 Point Spread to battle it out to decide their opponent. Should be fun.


Jun 09, 2014
11:28 AM
The schedule has been a sore spot for this league the last few years. When I started playing years ago the schedule, the whole schedule was posted prior to the season starting. Now, it`s like a week or a few days before and usually only the first few weeks. It used to be your game was played when it was schedule, if people couldn`t make it tough s h I t. too many "special" considerations are being made for teams. Get more strict comish`s


Jun 09, 2014
12:01 PM
I disagree. I think this league does an excellent job of being flexible and accommodating to as many teams as possible. Being more strict would lead to more conflicts and forfeits. People are always going to find something to complain about, but I think this league is great at moving games to make as many people as happy as possible.

7 PT Spread

Jun 09, 2014
12:27 PM
Tom does a great job at being flexible. Some teams have done a terrible job at abusing that flexibiilty.


Jun 12, 2014
8:37 AM
Like u cody^^


Jun 12, 2014
8:41 AM
who won last night?

Re: score?

Jun 12, 2014
9:05 AM
Im pretty sure the game was cancelled last night


Jun 12, 2014
9:35 AM
TMT went from winning a forfeit game to playing tonight and if winning playing again against TC.. yea they got screwed!


Jun 12, 2014
9:51 AM
Stop using the word "they." We know you want play for TMT. Please use the word "we" in place of the word "they" in your statements moving forward. So you guys have a harder route to the title...so what! you had a cakewalk to the Nat`l championship (yes it`s true. yes we know you don`t control who shows up. save it). So you should not complain about having a tough road to this Ship...sometimes the path is easy (Nat`l ship) and sometimes they hard (this Ship). Man up and stop angry girling!


Jun 12, 2014
9:54 AM
by want to play for TMT, I mean you do play for TMT. it`s very clear.


Jun 12, 2014
10:50 AM
We played Game Face in the semis and The Firm in the championship, which both teams beat the teams we are playing tonight in the round before we played them.

So get your facts straight before you start flapping your lips.

On another note, we don`t care what the situation is, we are ready to play whoever, whenever. We don`t care if it is one game or two games on the same day. We are ready to go!


Jun 12, 2014
10:52 AM
Speaking of Nationals.


Jun 12, 2014
11:18 AM
How many games did both of those teams play before they played you? Compare that to the number of games you all played before playing them. Hmmmmmmmmmm

Your Point

Jun 12, 2014
12:20 PM
If the team would have shown up, we would`ve blew them out and rotated players to stay fresh. It was a first round bye against a mediocre team that didn`t show up because they knew they would get handled. Don`t try to shoot down our National Championship win. If anything you should respect it as it was 12+ years prior when anyone from this area has one either the state of national tournament.

The Point

Jun 12, 2014
1:59 PM
Is that your run to the Nat`l ship is easier than your run to this ship. Agreed? Not taking anything away from you guys - you beat the teams the tourney put in front of you. I don`t think you all should complain how these playoffs turned out, especially considering you had the easiest path to the ship at Nationals. Your next two games (if you beat 7pt) will earn you the respect some of you desperately want. You should happy to have that type of opportunity rather than focus on it being "unfair"

Closet Poster

Jun 12, 2014
10:37 AM
I want to play for TMT. Where can i sign up?


Jun 12, 2014
10:58 AM
We will be holding try-outs in a few weeks. We will keep the league updated on the dates and times.


Jun 12, 2014
2:10 PM
and by tryouts, you mean 1-on-1 personal time with Kamal, right?


Jun 12, 2014
1:39 PM
YAY cant wait for try outs


Jun 12, 2014
2:25 PM
I don`t want to try out to be a kicker.


Jun 12, 2014
2:57 PM
TMT wins this area our first national title and gets the #1 seed yet we have no say in when we play?


Jun 12, 2014
3:20 PM
How do you not have a say?

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