Fairfax County Flag Football League


 subject: "05/29 : Triple Crown trips GameFace 14-10"

May 29, 2014
10:51 PM

05/29 : Triple Crown trips GameFace 14-10

Triple Crown improves to 1-0 in the postseason, while GameFace exits at 0-1.

The victory continues a 2 game winning streak for Triple Crown which now stands at 3 wins in a row.

Coupled with a loss in their previous game GameFace is now on a two game slide. .These teams are very familiar with one another, having now played 7 times. Triple Crown has now won the last two matchups. Their previous contest occured in a Fairfax County Flag Football League "A" regular season game May 19 2014, 22:00, which Triple Crown won 17-14. Overall, GameFace is 4-3 against Triple Crown.

Gametime temperature was a cool 59 degrees under overcast skies.

TC #21 KB

May 29, 2014
11:01 PM
Good Game GF...tough battle & we will see you guys again


May 30, 2014
8:32 AM
what happened gf? ousted in the 1st round? is this the start of many and co`s reign ending?

Re: GF?

May 30, 2014
8:46 AM
TC has broken the code; they simply outplayed GF & stopped Manny & Co two games in a row; they forced manny to beat them running and even got into manny`s head as he threw a pick on their first drive. Collision runs a similar offense so I hope they`re ready b/c it won`t be 21-7 like earlier this season, collision is truly gonna get a run for their money from TC

But back to GF; they`re not FALLING OFF, they gotta honestly get more playmakers outside of Agent Zero...DC, yung & Rick are all getting up there & it`s clear that losing the leadership of Issac & ability of DJ is coming back to hurt them slowly but surely; it was funny to see manny going at Issac as he knew Issac would battle his old squad tough; GF isn`t done, they honestly gotta retool and I don`t mean taking collision players and calling them GameFace players lol

Re: Re: GF?

May 30, 2014
10:35 AM
hi kendall....lolz

Re: Re: Re: GF?

May 30, 2014
10:55 AM

- Kendell #21 TC


May 30, 2014
9:27 AM
Agreed, we do need to retool some things. We had a very odd season with attendance with weeknights. Many guys had limited schedules, Joe and Brian coming from Richmond and Fredericksburg respectively. Aside from the core guys I dont think we had the same group of guys playing DB more than 1 game in a row. Our defense locked it down second half of the game but it was too late. If you let Jeremy roll out of the pocket you are almost guaranteed to lose that game. We did that in the first half, not the second. If we can keep a consistent group of guys I think we will be fine. TC played well enough to beat us so props to them. We had our opportunity to take the lead with under a minute left but we failed. With that being said good luck to TC.

TC #21 KB

May 30, 2014
10:57 AM
Good Assessment Miller & definitely nothing but the best for you guys moving forward; I did cleanly knock the ball out your hands on that 4th down play too lol lol

^ miller

May 30, 2014
9:57 AM
Miller, there u go making excuses again. TC is the epitome of a team with poor attendance for seasons on end. TC played well enough to beat us? That`s a helluva "props" to them (NOT).


May 30, 2014
10:00 AM
Is miller the coach of GameFace now? When did this happen?


May 30, 2014
10:05 AM
Not the coach but obviously the spokesperson. A unlikely candidate for GF. Miller for President!


May 30, 2014
10:01 AM
GF + Collision < TC + Stonecold? lmfao I love analogies.


May 30, 2014
10:04 AM
You ******* Collision has its own team on weeknights.

I wonder...

May 30, 2014
10:37 AM
who writes these posts. They seem like they don`t even play in the league.

Poll Man

May 30, 2014
11:31 AM
Whoopdiddy > GF + Collision + TC + Stonecold

Your kidding right Poll man?

May 30, 2014
11:49 AM
You can`t be serious poll man lol


May 30, 2014
11:22 AM
is done


May 30, 2014
11:35 AM
No I am not the coach but like trying to give an overview of our team even though Manny yells at me for it!

Kendell, no chance you did, I took 3 steps! Just like I blocked TY in the back every play, it didnt happen.

TC #21 KB

May 30, 2014
11:46 AM
Lol if you say so miller but again it`s all good bro u know that...

TC is now mixed

May 30, 2014
12:48 PM
with a dominant indoor team from Dulles called The Kings. Thats where the turn around came from. Good job boys!

TC Big T #00

May 30, 2014
2:00 PM
Good game GF. Many of us have battled together, and it is odd battling against one another. Good luck in the future.

Game Face played "well enough" to stay in the game to the end. I am sure that both teams love a battle like that at the end of the day. We have been fortunate to get a good number of our guys together that couldn`t make early season games, and we are gelling at the right time. We are still bums, but at least we finally have coordinated uniforms.

Miller...you know that wasn`t a catch, dude. You took 3 steps, but you had the ball moving around your back. My man, Kendell, knocked it out of your hands. No dis, but the ball can`t be moving around your body while you are taking the three steps. It`s water under the bridge, but that game isn`t close if the initial call was upheld by the ref 5 feet away. That was 4th down, and we are going the other way if the head referee doesn`t go to the replay booth to overrule the call. It`s all good though. See you boys on Sundays.

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