Fairfax County Flag Football League


 subject: "05/19 : Triple Crown wins a close one vs GameFace 17-14"

May 20, 2014
0:25 AM

05/19 : Triple Crown wins a close one vs GameFace 17-14

Triple Crown improves to 2-5 in the late stretch of the season, while GameFace drops to 4-2-1.

The victory snapped a 3 game losing streak for Triple Crown.

The loss comes on the heels of a GameFace victory in their last game. .These teams are very familiar with one another, having now played 6 times. Their previous contest occured in a IFFL Prince Georges County Flag Football League "Open" regular season game Nov 09 2013, 11:00, which GameFace won 21-6. Overall, GameFace is 4-2 against Triple Crown.

Triple Crown will face off against WhoopDiddy! (4-3) on May 21 2014, 22:00 at Centreville HS#1.

Whoa! WTF?

May 20, 2014
6:42 AM
Definitely didn`t see this one coming...wtf happened GF? I thought Manny & Co are one of the best in the state? Smh


May 20, 2014
7:48 AM
this isnt about GF, this is about TC! They are back and Tom is making room for them in the playoffs haha. Watch out TMT


May 20, 2014
8:20 AM
TMTs last worry is TC...TMTs gotta handle their business before worrying about other teams

Close calls

May 20, 2014
8:43 AM
TC is a solid team; all their losses with the exception of Collision, have been one score games;

Ditos by 3
TMT by 2
Venom by 7
7 pt by 7

No excuses for any losses but they play everyone tough and now we are seeing them put it together again; possibly a repeat of fall 2012? Gotta wait and see


May 20, 2014
8:44 AM
TMT ain`t worried bout nothing!

TMT headquarters

May 20, 2014
9:07 AM
TMT wasn`t around fall 2012, so stop bringing that sh*t up!!!!

Da Fuq?

May 20, 2014
1:18 PM
No said ISH bout TMT & 2012; YA BROUGHT THAT UP!!!





May 20, 2014
1:19 PM
^^^I sense an 804 troll^^^

Lol 2012?????

May 20, 2014
9:19 AM
You`re joking right?


May 20, 2014
9:19 AM
TC made some key plays late in the game that got them in the win! Good game!


May 20, 2014
10:13 AM
What a joke!


May 20, 2014
9:46 AM
these rankings are a joke


May 20, 2014
10:02 AM
why was kyle watching from the sidelines at the game last night wearing jeremy`s old jersey? odd.

Big T TC #00

May 20, 2014
10:17 AM
Great game, GF. It`s always strange to play against dudes that you used to go to war with on the regular. TC isn`t thinking about the past, and nor should anyone else. For clarity, Tom is not "letting" us into the playoffs. We have an opportunity to control our fate, and we don`t want it any other way. Good luck to all the playoff teams after this week. We look forward to seeing you. Btw...who makes up these rankings? TC at the top? Those guys are bums!


May 20, 2014
10:24 AM
Big t what`s your rankings?

Big T TC #00

May 20, 2014
11:20 AM
Since you asked...

Everyone else #1-#7
TC #8

The rankings are always fun to look at on here, but they are so subjective. One week you are not worthy to be spit on, and the next week you are "the team that no one wants to see in the playoffs". Ha ha. We are playing with house money at this point. We look forward to playing Rice and the boys tomorrow night. Btw...is Akari still available for the playoff roster? Just thinking out loud...


May 20, 2014
11:42 AM
Seen slash on the GF sideline last night. Why wasn`t he playing?

@ Fan

May 20, 2014
12:36 PM
Tyson plays with GF so he probably tagged along to watch

@ big TT

May 20, 2014
12:13 PM
hahaha good pull on Akari. hahahah


May 20, 2014
12:17 PM
All these closets want to see us not make the playoffs. It`s fine, keep talking closets. We make it in, and maybe we make some noise.

@ Kyle

May 20, 2014
12:34 PM
Everyone is getting in; Tom announced it earlier that even RON & PROJECT X GET IN

8 v 9 play in game

We know what we gotta do & we will do it

TC #21

Triple Crown

May 20, 2014
1:02 PM
i`m not the one posting all thisscarp. I don`t play for TC anymore- I just don`t have another log-in.

and tom said there would be a play-in game only if there was a tie

I kno Kyle

May 20, 2014
1:16 PM
Trust me, we know Kyle...I know who you are and respect what your doing with TMT...good luck the rest of the way

TC #21


May 20, 2014
12:37 PM
Everyone knows the only guys hyping a team are guys that actually play on that team. I think we can rule out Kyle, red, and the Nunley boys as they always sign in. Someone new to the team (they do have a ton of new faces)? Sure it`s possible but my money is on Jeremy or Luke. As for the 2012 title, sure you guys had a great run in playoffs and got the title but let`s keep in mind there is always a lot of hype with TC every season...comes with the territory when you win back to back championships your very first 2 seasons. Let`s also keep in mind that since those first 2 titles in Fall 08 & Spring 09 they have exactly 1 championship...in 8 seasons...and that took a great run in the playoffs just to get it. Chances are it won`t happen again.

@ Reality

May 20, 2014
12:50 PM
Really??? No one honestly will predicts us to win & we are fine with that, we wouldn`t want it any other way; as for 2012, I was not on TC so I respect their history and their run but I`m not here for that; I`m only worried about the here and now

TC #21


May 20, 2014
1:02 PM
Free hand jobs after the game. You`re welcome!


May 20, 2014
1:33 PM
Rode with Shane to the games to watch. Manny and Co said i am not good enough to play with them and i have accepted the fact that i am a B caliber player now. Any B teams need an overweight QB let me know.

TMT Headquarters

May 20, 2014
1:41 PM
It`s going to be a looooooooong post season for all of you!


May 20, 2014
5:26 PM
Stop it! Just stop that BS right now; you MFers haven`t ISH to recieve ANY regocnition besides winning a lopsided tourney where Primetime & FIRM played bad for your sake; again, WIN YOUR OWN LEAGUE BEFOREYOU START TALKING AND SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT BEING GREAT

-804 FAN


May 20, 2014
6:53 PM
^^ Why don`t you hop off this 703 messageboard and back on that 804 bulls*it. Why are you even commenting on our stuff? Is your season that boring because Primetime is the only good team out there?

804 fan

May 21, 2014
1:53 PM
Kamal you POS, you chumped out & stayed ya sorry @**** up north b/c you boys knew you were not bout this life!!!

You 703 bums can`t see us; 7 pt is the ONLY 703 team that gets respect down here so take the drive down to Dorey, get your best athletes you donald sterling you, and settle this as men b/c ya not beating PT OR FIRM OR BOOGIE OR SPEED KILLS SO STFU & make a move son; pop those bottle pu$$y

CVFA >>>>>>>>>>>>FFCFFL


May 21, 2014
2:13 PM
LOL we are 2-0 against FIRM u idiot. and sorry that my team doesnt want to drive all the way to Richmond every week, we got better sh* t to do. We will see you losers in the bark bowl. stay off our fairfax board

re kicker boy

May 21, 2014
3:12 PM
please explain to all of us how you are not the punk kid who talks smack while riding away on his bike.

@ Kamal

May 21, 2014
3:27 PM
F TMT & all that ya bums stand for; I hope you god are ready come august b/c we are all coming up to watch up beat you bums again

How many times have you bums beat Primetime???

And you guys got smashed playing FIRM last year at the bark bowl U IDIOT! Abusement park remember!

Facts are facts, you bums will lose to us again!

Stay off our nuts!!!

- 804 & PT player


May 21, 2014
6:14 PM
You`re a pu55y and thats why you`re afraid to state your name. Stay off our message board u bum.


May 21, 2014
7:11 PM





May 20, 2014
1:45 PM
You should be worried about that 2-5 record...awful. Now you have some bulletin board material to fuel you. When you win the champ you can dog me and thank me.

TC #21

May 20, 2014
5:18 PM
Nah I`m not that type of player; we only worry wnout what we can control, let the chips fall where they may

Kyle`s lover boy

May 20, 2014
2:34 PM
Kyle, please stop offering free hand job`s after the game. It`s getting me jelly.


May 20, 2014
3:55 PM
You better hope youre not at number 8 so you dont have to play TMT first round..


May 20, 2014
4:51 PM
Isn`t Gameface combine with pt? So pt sucks too


May 20, 2014
5:20 PM
They`re combined with Collision on Sundays & tournaments;

Hey kyle...

May 20, 2014
5:34 PM
Hey man, why did you jump from TC to TMT?

Triple Crown

May 21, 2014
10:01 AM
I didn`t really jump from one to the other. I hadn`t been playing with TC since the bark bowl last year. I wasn`t playing with anybody when I joined tmt


May 20, 2014
6:58 PM
Uhh because they`re better

TC and SC

May 20, 2014
8:04 PM
Looks like TC and SC combined this season to bring home the CROWN!

TMT Headquarters

May 21, 2014
11:41 AM
we all like to jerk each other off after a victory. This league is our world. We love this ish.


May 21, 2014
12:23 PM
he doesnt play for TMT


May 21, 2014
2:32 PM
It looks like he does play for TMT. Maybe he get`s another ship!


May 21, 2014
2:56 PM
how you figure? you seen him out there with TMT


May 21, 2014
4:09 PM
bunch of bamas up in this ma f-cker, tryin puff chests out n what not. i be crackin fools like dis from 804, bama assssss

@ moron

May 21, 2014
5:07 PM
he was f`ing around...stirring ish up

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