Fairfax County Flag Football League


 subject: "Power Rankings"

Mar 20, 2014
9:26 AM

Since it seems like all the A teams (at least the ones that matter) have signed up.. Can we get a power rankings going into the Spring Season!?

Re: Guy

Mar 20, 2014
10:21 AM
Tell us what you think first, then we`ll debate

Rice Farmer

Mar 20, 2014
12:24 PM
1. TMT
2. Gameface
3. Collision
4. Wolves
5. Triple Crown
6. 7pt
7. Banditos
8. Whoopdiddy
9. Venom*
10. Project X**

*i thought venom was summer gameface too. So i dont know who they have.

**no idea who they are

Rice Farmer

Mar 20, 2014
12:36 PM
Off the bat i had them in the second spot. This was based on their tournament success, but looking back, they seem to struggle during the spring/falls seasons.

Tough Call

Mar 20, 2014
1:03 PM
1) 7 pt (if they ALL show up & they`re playings Sundays too)
2) Collision (No tourneys but they make it happen when it counts)
3) TMT (won Nats but really want to see how much they`ve grown through this time and how well they play w/o DJ)
4) GF (Manny will be ready but I don`t know how ready they`ll be after fall`s ship beat down)
5) TC (word is Jeremy has a new set of guys ready to lead TC back to the top, we will see
6) Wolves (Solid but needs improvement to be in the best convo)
7) WD (Love their rise from season to season, let`s see how u fare this season WD)
8)Ditos (grab a snickers fellas lol)
9) Venom & Project X (tie)

Let the games begins!!!

the real deal

Mar 20, 2014
1:15 PM
1)Collision (the champs are the champs until some beats them).


3)7pt (if everyone shows, then they will win it all, if not, then they will be right around 3rd. Based on previous attendance history, I`m guess that everyone doesn`t show up).

4)TMT (if DJ & Dominique are playing).

*If DJ & Dominique aren`t playing then:






9)Project X

10)Venom (seriously, move these guys down to B, they are going to get killed every week. They got killed in the other league on Thursday nights, and that`s the other leagues weak night).

7 PT Spread

Mar 20, 2014
1:50 PM
1) Collision
2) TC
3) Gameface
4) TMT
5) Wolves
6) Project X
7) Bots
8) Whoop
9) Venon *only because i have no idea

Let`s have a good season folks...

cant wait

Mar 20, 2014
1:54 PM
could be some new players in the league or some old players on different teams that make a difference...

TC 2.0

Mar 20, 2014
2:37 PM
I think triple crown is gonna come out and surprise ppl with the new additions they`ve now collected


Mar 20, 2014
2:27 PM
TMT, GAMEFACE, TRIPLE CROWN, 7 PT, COLLISION are the top 5 teams in no particular order.. Looks like the A league this season will be competitive!!

Rice Farmer

Mar 20, 2014
3:16 PM
This is gonna be a very exciting season. Lookingforward to some good football. Good luck to all! And everybody staying healthy

not for whoop

Mar 20, 2014
3:50 PM
you guys will be bottom feeders and drop back down after the season.

Rice Farmer

Mar 20, 2014
4:52 PM
it is always exciting to play against good competition.

we are quite aware of the uphill struggle we face. But this season can only make us better. We have proven we can beat the best of the B teams, and we have remained competitive against the A teams we have faced.

Again its going to be an exciting season and looking forward to some good football.


Mar 20, 2014
5:05 PM
1) Collision - remaining champs. Should be #1 until they lose
2) 7pt - 2nd in states (much better competition than Nationals). Already playing at a high level, just won a tourney. Lots of talent.
3) TMT - With a healthy Zack a very very good team. Constantly acquiring new talent.
4) TC - Combined with some stone cold players to get a weeknight team in. Jeremey is a great qb and with weapons is nearly unbeatable.
5) Wolves - Veterans but know to to play. Very smart team. Can still run and move the sticks. Attendenace has always been an issue.
6) Banditos - Always a competitive team. A few missed flags screws them a lot of games but can hang.
7) Whoopdiddy - Way to step up fellas. Their qb is pretty good if I remember correctly.
Bottom) Project X and Venom - new teams. No history, cant say I know who they are...

Uh oh

Mar 20, 2014
6:27 PM
Some of the roster shake ups are still pending. Check back in a couple days and let`s see the rankings. Man it`s gonna be a good season.

Professor Chaos

Mar 21, 2014
10:46 AM
Damn, no love for Gameface?


Mar 21, 2014
11:22 AM
Isn`t 7 pt 0-2 against TMT? CVFA is not the best league in states.. This league right here is, we have the most consistent teams. CVFA has only 2-3 good teams, everyone else is trash!!


Mar 21, 2014
12:00 PM
CVFA is the best league in the state, it`s not close. Seriously. I`ve played in the Harrisonburg league, IFFL, TFFL, & the other league up here. It`s not close. Week in week out you play against better teams down in Richmond. I`m not hating on this league, I`m just being honest.


Mar 21, 2014
12:02 PM
^^ So why did 7 point spread have a better record in CVFA than they did in this league?? They only have 2-3 good teams and that`s it..Fairfax`s top 5 can beat their top 5 any day


Mar 21, 2014
12:11 PM
obviously you haven`t played in that league. There is simply a difference in athletes. As far as 7pt`s record goes, ask them. Some times them dudes show up, some times they don`t. I`m not in charge of their travel/attendance.


Mar 21, 2014
11:49 AM
Yea that sucked! We got worked last time we played them. But you have to keep Collision at the top until they lose. Sorry Posterboy.


Mar 21, 2014
11:53 AM
Yes we did lose in states, but we lost to the team that won states (primetime) by 3 points.. It was unlucky and they beat us because they wanted it more... We needed that loss as a team so we know where and how to improve.. This is our second season in the league all we are doing now is growing together and building chemistry together. We won`t ever get worse, just better


Mar 21, 2014
12:03 PM
How was it "unlucky?" They were beating y`all by 10 points. Then you got a garbage TD at the end of the game, when it didn`t matter.

Rice Farmer

Mar 21, 2014
12:03 PM
I will be interested how long TMT will be around.

The coach has certainly used his professional experience to market and recruit for his team.

Is this going to be a high visibility nightclub here one day, gone the next or a long term pub that only the locals know about?


Mar 21, 2014
12:06 PM
They`re done already, they just don`t know it yet.


Mar 21, 2014
12:07 PM
Trust me, we aren`t going anywhere! This sh*t is too much fun lol


Mar 21, 2014
1:49 PM
do you do anything other than kick?

7 PT Spread

Mar 21, 2014
1:28 PM
7pt is 0-1 vs TMT... we make no excuse for any of out dozens and dozens of loses.

Kamaal stop saying y`all only loss by 3. lol That`s giving excuses. That 3 could have easily been 17 and if not for a bad snap (on a very irrelvant 4th down) it more realistically could have been 10. As for TMT they are the National Champs, but the reason people say states is harder than nationals, is because you`re not going to be able to cake walk out of your bracket. Y`all got a bye from a no-show and the only team you played in your bracket was a team that made the B playoffs in our league. C`mon son. Keep it real. While you was on that cake walk schedule we had already played 3 tough games. Same for GameFace and Firm. This season will be very telling for TMT though.

That being said, TMT is a solid team (w/ Zach). AND y`all need to stop hating on DJ, I haven`t seen all the anitcs y`all be talking about but I have seen him put in work out there. #factsoflife


Mar 21, 2014
1:43 PM
Sic em Cody!

7 PT Spread

Mar 21, 2014
1:45 PM
shut up millhouse, lol


Mar 21, 2014
1:51 PM


Mar 21, 2014
2:06 PM
Hmm ok.

Rice Farmer

Mar 21, 2014
2:10 PM
i am interested to know who the unknown poster is.

After going back, its quite amusing on how he stirs the pot.

Swami Sez

registered poster

Mar 21, 2014
2:40 PM
Do any of you have jobs? Wow....

Rice Farmer

Mar 21, 2014
3:17 PM
if i didnt have a job i wouldnt be on as much. I would have something better to do.

its gov. friday.


Mar 21, 2014
3:32 PM
I`m interetsed to see how Whoop will do too, they def got chemistry, but will they beat anyone of the long standing A teams


Mar 25, 2014
7:48 PM
I got 7pt, Gameface, TMT, Collision


Mar 25, 2014
10:42 PM
triple crown


Mar 26, 2014
7:26 AM

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