Fairfax County Flag Football League


 subject: "One Question - Team To Beat (2014)"

Mar 18, 2014
9:55 AM

Whats up fellas, hope everyone had a warm winter. There is only one question that is important coming in to this year and spring season.



Mar 18, 2014
10:22 AM
Whoop and Project X. Both have been up and coming


Mar 18, 2014
10:23 AM
Honestly it`s up in the air; just gotta wait & see...GF, 7 pt & collision, along with others are the easy choices but again let`s see what teams bring to the table then make that assessment

Rice Farmer

Mar 18, 2014
11:11 AM
We really appreciate the mention. But we certainly arent the team to beat, that reputation has to be earned.

Its gotta be the three teams that performed strong in States and nationals. Who also performed well during the fall regular season


Mar 18, 2014
11:37 AM
1.Collision (defending champs)
2. TMT ( National Champs)
3. Gameface (always consistent)
4. 7 pt. ( 2nd place in states)


Mar 18, 2014
11:47 AM
Let`s not forget Triple Crown; if they are in, beware...


Mar 18, 2014
12:26 PM
some of TC are on Project

Still waiting

Mar 18, 2014
2:15 PM
TMT has yet to sign up; I wonder what`s taking so long; kamal u can play for primetime to come up but not your own team? How`s replacing DJ working out for ya?

Should be an interesting season for them...


Mar 19, 2014
10:21 AM
We are signed up, not sure why Tom hasn`t added us up yet.. But we are and will be playing in weeknights and weekends..

Dj will be playing with us until he moves but will still be back here for tourneys as well.
We are excited for the season and look forward to playing all of you!

shut up

Mar 19, 2014
10:24 AM


Mar 18, 2014
3:13 PM
are some of PT`s players joining TMT


Mar 18, 2014
3:30 PM
is boot playing?


Mar 18, 2014
3:50 PM
No, but some former boot players may be playing elsewhere.


Mar 18, 2014
4:42 PM
did some join Whoop?

I believe

Mar 18, 2014
4:56 PM
The coach of the Banditos got released and signed with Triple Crown today. It`s gonna be like a Brady/Belichick combination with Jeremy and that coach.


Mar 18, 2014
5:16 PM
Damn! thats a combo. When is TC signing up


Mar 19, 2014
6:53 AM
TC will be signing up very soon


Mar 19, 2014
8:45 AM

Re: Wrong

Mar 19, 2014
9:00 AM
Yea...ok...wait & see

Since you know it all, what`s the winning lotto numbers for next weeks mega millions??? Lmao

Better yet, what team is Jeremy QB of this spring???
This will tell us how much u actually know


Mar 19, 2014
9:12 AM
dont need to play the lotto, already know the wining bracket for the Billion.

make sense now


Mar 19, 2014
9:35 AM
Michigan State all the way baby!


Mar 19, 2014
9:17 AM
Jeremy is running with Whoop

Re: YO

Mar 19, 2014
9:34 AM
Actually he`s not and Rich can tell you that too;

Nice lie, now admit that you don`t know and move forward with your life

Auto correct

Mar 19, 2014
9:36 AM


Mar 19, 2014
9:45 AM
it`s no lie sir...please admit you spend too much time trolling this board

Re: ^

Mar 19, 2014
10:09 AM
Actually you sir are the liar and the troll

Mike is WhoopDiddy`s QB, NOT Jeremy so again, what`s the reason for the lie???

Take your time, I`ll wait...

Rice Farmer

Mar 19, 2014
10:22 AM
Jeremy is not our QB.

Thanks Rice

Mar 19, 2014
10:28 AM
So to all these message board trolls and herbs, stop lying if you don`t know facts, don`t say anything!?!?


Mar 19, 2014
10:34 AM
obviously the above postings were a joke, as no one would believe Jeremy is running with Whoop.

to Re: ^

Mar 19, 2014
10:41 AM
looks like you might be waiting for a bit, always someone that falls prey to the message board idiot


Mar 19, 2014
10:43 AM
Bro, just shut up! He got the info needed, so now u wana hang on his sac??? C`mon man stfu please!!!


Mar 19, 2014
10:46 AM


Mar 19, 2014
2:09 PM
The stuff ppl will do to gain attention SMGDH


Mar 19, 2014
4:51 PM
Looks Like tmt is signed up.. all we are waiting on is TC


Mar 19, 2014
6:19 PM
TC just signed up along with TMT, this should be a very good A division this season

Professor Chaos

Mar 19, 2014
6:16 PM
The team to beat is obviously 7pt Spread. They went down to the CVFA in the fall, the most competitive league in the state, and lost in the Chip to the best team in the state. Then at the State tournament, they lost to Primetime (again) in the Chip. SMH, what else to they gotta do?


Mar 20, 2014
10:22 AM
They gotta basically beat primetime lol


Mar 20, 2014
9:46 AM
Venom also signed up.. I thought Venom was Gameface in the summer time?

Re: Grant

Mar 20, 2014
10:23 AM
Different team from different league

say it ain`t so

Mar 20, 2014
1:06 PM
Man, if this is the Venom from Fairfax Athletics, then they should not be in A, no way. They struggled on Thursday night over there, and that`s the weak night over there. The good teams play on Sunday night. And by struggle, I mean they went 1-7, in a 10 team league in which half would be B teams in FCFFL, and the rest would be C teams. Seriously, help them boys out, move them down to B.


Mar 20, 2014
10:49 AM
Is not the best team in the State. They got lucky in States!


Mar 20, 2014
10:59 AM
So, if primetime isn`t the best, who is???

stop son

Mar 20, 2014
12:57 PM
them dudes went 46-3 last season. There only 3 losses were to legit teams (Gameface, Who U Wit, and TC). Let me say that again, 46-3! Those 46 wins include 2 CVFA Chips (toughest league in the state, hands down), Bark Bowl Title, and State Title. I`m not a fan of their style, but they get it done on the field like no one else.

7pt Spread

Mar 20, 2014
11:54 AM
...is the team to beat, but they don`t seem to play the same in season play as they do in tournaments.


Mar 20, 2014
11:56 AM
seems like they have a hard time w/ people showing up during reg season.


Mar 20, 2014
12:08 PM
My personal opinion is that TMT is the best team. And no I`m not one of the players. I play on Sundays with another team but saw them play in the National Tourney and went up against them in the Turkey Bowl. They are dangerous.

^^^^Not all all!

Mar 20, 2014
12:48 PM
TMT is not the best; they`re a young inexperienced team riding the coat tail of a few good athletes; lets see how good they really are w/o DJ & I played with DJ on his team for years now & I know TMT won`t be the same!

Each team has flaws; it`s honestly up in the air at this point; gotta let it all play out on the field


Mar 20, 2014
1:01 PM
there are a couple teams singing the "we can`t just throw it up to DJ anymore" blues. hahahaha. And if TMT is so sweet, how come they got blasted by Collision in the playoffs last year?


Mar 20, 2014
6:51 PM
Appreciate the love and respect. Haters going to hate!

Rice Farmer

Mar 20, 2014
3:21 PM
Tmt has done well at adding quality playerd. I might be wrong but to my knowledge they have added quality players from bodysnatchers and primetime (local)


Mar 20, 2014
3:36 PM
Lol DJ will still be around for most games and playoffs as well as tourneys.. When you play on The Money Team you get free airfare to travel as well as other incentives ;)

I guess we will just have to wait and see how it plays out.. I`m sure the other receivers/ dbs we added will be a huge threat as well.


Mar 20, 2014
4:05 PM
HAHA, that`s what TMT stands for? We always thought it was for Too Many Trolls.


Mar 20, 2014
6:15 PM
This is flag football right? Grown men playing for fun and u brag about paying to fly somebody back n forth. ..

It`s called...

Mar 20, 2014
6:31 PM
**** riding...they know without DJ they are nothing note than a below avg C level team! Dudes are lame @$$ chumps looking for spotlight b/c one dude gives it to them; talk all that nice ish you want TMT coach but we all know how you guys roll when game time shows up; hope DJ can do it all b/c you fellas are trash w/o him...

Truth hurts...


Mar 20, 2014
6:49 PM
At first we would never win with DJ because of his attitude and character, but now, we can`t win without him. YOU ALL ARE SOME HATING CLOWNS.

Every time someone says something good about us, you hate right away for no reason. Why hate because someone respects our team.

We brought the National Championship back to the DMV and will follow up strong in 2014 with all seasons and tourneys. But we just suck no matter what. Lolll who`s the trolls?

I guess only time will tell though. For now, hush up.


Mar 21, 2014
9:39 AM
did get crushed by Collison though


Mar 21, 2014
11:49 AM
Collision is a good team and won the game, but definitely didn`t get crushed.


Mar 21, 2014
10:13 AM
and the national tournament is GARBAGE. Its like saving 15% in 15 minutes on your car insurance...Everyone knows that.


Mar 21, 2014
10:29 AM
You guys played 1 game in your bracket vs Showtime-Whinchester. Had it been a 2day event like normal, the results may have been differnt.

Other teams, 7pt, GameFace, Firm, TC had played 3 games when you guys were playing your 1st game.


Mar 21, 2014
10:44 AM
Everyone is so funny with this "Nationals is not as competitive as states" At the end of the day the best teams that were in nationals were in states. Gameface, 7 pt, Triple Crown, Primetime, Firm, and a few other good teams. Those teams you named above only played 1 more game than us because our first game was a forfeit, how is that our fault? We played Gameface in Nationals as well as FIRM where we beat firm by 20+ points. Enough with these excuses, if Nationals is Garbage then why didnt your team win?!?

First DJ is the cancer to our team, and now we can`t play without him. Stop talking before I recruit the best player from your team too ;)

Season starts next week and WE ARE READY!!
All these losers who hide behind a computer and won;t even sign it get no respect. You guys are chumps!


Mar 21, 2014
1:44 PM
aren`t you just the kicker anyway?


Mar 21, 2014
11:48 AM
I said nationals is not as competitive because it is true. There a few teams didn`t show up. Half the teams were garbage and got blanked. But you guys did win, which is all that matters.

Stop recruiting you already have a very talented team, o-lineman that played in the NFL, DB that plays for UVA, and other players that could play college ball! Good luck fellas.


Mar 21, 2014
11:50 AM
Miller, was not talking about your comment.. I know Nationals isn`t as competitive, but the other guy said Nationals is Trash and that is not the case since the top 8 teams in states were also in Nationals and at the end of the day every team plays to win. I think this season is going to be great with all the competitive teams playing, see everyone next week!


Mar 21, 2014
11:52 AM
Ahh agreed. I am pumped to see teams stepping up, teams combining and new teams.

Rice Farmer

Mar 21, 2014
11:54 AM
damn their resume aint got nothing on us.

On our roster we have...

#1 - no organzied HS or College sports

#43 - HS The heights catholic school soccer
#55 - HS The heights catholic school benchwarmer baseball
#12 - HS the heights catholic school soccer
#6 - our former QB was HS Bishop Ireton catholic school QB

another guy on our team likes to snowboard a lot.

7 PT Spread

Mar 21, 2014
1:49 PM
Kamaal, y`all really "recruit"? That in itself is hilarious to me, lol...


Mar 21, 2014
2:23 PM
How is that hilarious? Adding players to your team is called recruiting bro. lol cmon mannn

Rice Farmer

Mar 21, 2014
1:57 PM
you cant post if

a. you have NFL/NCAA players and expect to win

b. you have average joes and expect to struggle.



Mar 21, 2014
2:04 PM
Everyone should post!

Rice Farmer

Mar 21, 2014
2:07 PM
oooh my bad. you must be a real athlete then and walk around in your underarmor sponsored gear and see yourself on ESPN.

i bet you wear northface and go on lots of adventures too.


Mar 21, 2014
2:10 PM
No I am just saying there are like 10 people that post on the MB, well 10 that actually sign in. Be more interesting if everyone got their teams involved.


Mar 21, 2014
3:34 PM
who is the former Nfl Oline on TMT

project x player

Mar 22, 2014
2:42 AM
Project X is the team to beat!! Trust me


Mar 23, 2014
10:52 AM
no way, with the additions Rice made, they will take it

7 PT Spread

Mar 24, 2014
3:14 PM

the realdeal

Mar 26, 2014
8:39 AM
project X


Mar 26, 2014
5:00 PM
We have Alternate black jerseys now?


Mar 26, 2014
5:14 PM
I cant figure out how to change it!

Miller Time

Mar 26, 2014
11:33 PM
Click on the link to view your player page on the top of the screen. Then select player admin page. It`s on the top right and is kind of hidden. From there you can at least delete your Pain jersey.


Mar 27, 2014
10:46 AM
Its getting there, now I need my jersey #

B Flaher

Mar 28, 2014
6:31 AM
7pt will be the team to beat, easily the most well rounded team. They got got a few smart athletes, & deshawn(?) is potentially best baller player on the field.

TMT got them incentives so they liable to show up with Fred Davis, Shaka Smart, etc... Lol. TMT qb is a beast, DBS are official, and could beat anyone. The only reason they lost to PT was the rain. ;)

TC got Ryan playing with them now so that`s a nice addition. I have never played vs TC and I am really looking forward to playing "one" of the best 703 A teams.

Gameface is not a threat whatsoever! Be sure to play lax and save your energy. Manny is overrated, Yassar (sp my bad bro) is basking in his Eastbay advertisement deal, and myself is too addicted to Bon Chon since the move.

Good luck everyone this spring and stay health


Mar 28, 2014
7:35 AM
TMT guy. Y not go get Sean Glennon from the Arlington league to add to the roster? They have a bunch of ex D1 and NFL players.


Mar 28, 2014
10:44 AM
Because our QB is better than Sean Glennon..


Mar 28, 2014
8:28 AM
bc Glennon is terrible

Re: Ryan?

Mar 28, 2014
9:59 AM
Ryan leaf?!? Nope not him, just a baller.


Mar 28, 2014
10:07 AM
heard TMT paid off the ref for the nat tourney

Re: What

Mar 28, 2014
10:20 AM
At the end of the day, that assumption has no validity b/c it`s just heresay; stick to playing and stop playing cops; snitches get stitches bro lmao

Btw I don`t play for TMT, honestly dislike them dudes BUT I highly doubt this is true


Mar 28, 2014
10:24 AM
snitches get stitches though lmao..this flag ishh gets real ha


Mar 28, 2014
10:43 AM
Yea we gave them a 20 piece of bonchon chicken.. It was worth it though..


Mar 28, 2014
11:41 AM
not sure i`d give up bonchon....so good


Mar 28, 2014
11:42 AM
man, this is the most talking kicker ever. Dude, you`re a kicker, shut the fug up. Nobody cares to here a kicker run his mouth.


Mar 28, 2014
1:06 PM
is he really only a kicker?

^^^So what^^^

Mar 28, 2014
1:52 PM
You can`t but ships Jerry Jones Jr


Mar 28, 2014
1:47 PM
maybe even waterboy?


Mar 31, 2014
9:05 PM
whoop wins with ease this week, could see them in top 3


Apr 01, 2014
8:40 AM
What you smoking ^


Apr 01, 2014
10:24 AM
gotta place my money on one of the unknown teams

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